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Jo's Mini Christmas Song Book

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Fat Bottomed Elves [D]Queen

Intro - Acappela
Aaaaaare you gonna take me home tonight?
Aaaaah down beside that red firelight
Aaaaare you gonna let it all hang out?
Fat bottomed Elves , you make the rockin' world go D round

Verse 1 - Strumming
I was D just a skinny lad, never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my A nursery
Left D alone with big fat Fanny, she was G such a naughty nanny
Heap big D woman you made a A fat boy out of D me D*

Verse 2
I've been D singing with my band, across the water across the land
I seen ev'ry blue eyed floozy on the A way
But their D beauty and their style, Went kind of G smooth after a while
Take me D to them dirty A ladies every D time D*

D Ohhhhh won't you Ctake me home G tonight?
D Ohhhhh down C beside your red fire-A-light
D Ohhhhh and you G give it all you got
Fat bottomed D Elves, You make the A rockin' world go D round G yeah
G Fat bottomed D Elves, You make the A rockin' world go D round D*

G D A G*

Verse 3
Now I got D mortgages and homes, I got stiffness in the bones
Ain't no beauty queens in this locali-A-ty I tell ya!
Oh but D I still get my pleasure, Still G got my greatest treasure
Heap big D woman you gone and A made a big man of D me D*

D Oh won't you C take me home G tonight? Please!
D Oh down C beside that red fire-A-light
D Oh you gotta G let it all hang out
Fat bottomed D Elves You make the A rockin' world go D round G yeah!
Fat bottomed D Elves You make the A rockin' world go D round D*

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 G 3 C

Santa B Goode [A]Chuck Berry

Verse 1
Deep A down in Louisiana close to New Orleans
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens
There D stood a log cabin made of earth and wood
Where A lived a country boy named Santa B. Goode
Who E7 never ever learned to read or write so well,
but he could A play a UKULELE like a ringin’ a bell.

A Go go.....go Santa go go go
Go Santa go go go D
D Go Santa go go A go
A Go Santa go go E7 go..... Santa B. A Goode...

Verse 2
He used to A put his UKULELE in a big red sack and
sit beneath a tree by the railroad track.
An D engineers could see him sitting in the shade
A strummin’ to the rhythm that the drivers made
E7 People passing by... they would stop and say
Oh A my but that little country boy can play.


Verse 3
His A mother told him “someday you will be a man”
And you will be the leader of a Big Uke Jam
D Many, many people come from miles around to
A hear your UKULELE till the sun go down
E7 Maybe someday your name will be in lights
Sayin’ A ‘ Santa B. Goode tonight’.

Chorus x2
A Go go.....go Santa go go go
Go Santa go go go D
D Go Santa go go A go
A Go Santa go go E7 go..... Santa B. A Goode...

1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town [C]


Verse 1
You C better watch out, you F better not cry
You C better not pout, I'm F telling you why
C Santa Am Claus is F coming G to C town C7

Verse 2
He’s C making a list, he’s F checking it twice
He’s C gonna find out who’s F naughty or nice
C Santa Am Claus is F coming G to C town C7

He C7 sees you when you’re F sleeping
He C7 knows when you’re F awake
He D knows if you’ve been G bad or good
So be D* good for goodness G* sake, G7* SO!!

Verse 3
You C better watch out, you F better not cry
You C better not pout, I'm F telling you why
C Santa Am Claus is F coming G to C town C7

He C7 sees you when you’re F sleeping
He C7 knows when you’re F awake
He D knows if you’ve been G bad or good
So be D* good for goodness G* sake, G7* SO!!

Verse 4
You C better watch out, you F better not cry
You C better not pout, I'm F telling you why
C Santa Am Claus is F coming G to C town

C Santa Am Claus is F coming G to C town
C Saaaanta Am Claus is F coming G to C towwwwn


3 C 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 C7 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G7

Merry Christmas Everyone [G]Shakin Stevens

Verse 1 Just Ukes
G Snow is G falling D ... all aEmround me... C
C Children G playing C ... having G fun
G It's the season... of love and underEmstanding... C
Merry G Christmas D ... everyGone

Verse 2 + drums & bass
Time for G parties D ... and celebEmration...C
C People G dancing C ... all night G long
G Time for presents... and exchanging Em kisses... C
C Time for G singing D ... Christmas G songs

Em We're gonna C have a G party toDnight
Em I'm gonna C find that girl
G Underneath the mistletoe and D kiss by candlelight

Verse 3
Room is G swaying D ... records Em playing... C
C All the G old songs C ... love to G hear
G Oh I wish that every day was Em Christmas... C
C What a G nice way to D ... spend a G year

Em We're gonna C have a G party toDnight
Em I'm gonna C find that girl
G Underneath the mistletoe and D kiss by candlelight

Verse 4
Room is G swaying D ... records Em playing C
C All the G old songs C ... love to G hear
G Oh I wish that every day was Em Christmas
C What a G nice way to D spend a G year

Em We're gonna C have a G party toDnight
Em I'm gonna C find that girl
G Underneath the mistletoe and D kiss by candlelight

Ooo, Snow is G falling D ... all aEmround me... C
C children G playing C ... having G fun
G It's the season... of love and underEmstanding... C
C Merry G Christmas D ... everyGone
C Merry G Christmas D everyGone! Em
Oh, Merry G Christmas D everyGone

G* G*

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em 3 C