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Tempted [A]Squeeze

Intro A A7 D Dsus2

I bought a Atoothbrush... some C#mtoothpaste... a F#mflannel for my face
PaBjamas... a hairbrush... new Dmshoes and a case
I Amsaid to my reEmflection... let’s get Fout of this pla-a-Gace
Passed the Cchurch and... the Dsteeple... the Flaundry on the hill
ABillboards and the A7buildings
GMemories of it Bstill... keep Amcalling... and Dcalling
But forAmget it all... F I know I Dwill Dsus2

ATempted by the A7fruit of aDnother Dsus2
ATempted but the A7truth is disDcovered Dsus2
What’s been Bgoing on... now that E7you have gone There’s no Aother A7
DTempted by the Afruit of aA7nother
DTempted but the truth is disBmcovered Dm Dm

I’m at the Acar park... the C#mairport... the F#mbaggage carousel
The Bpeople keep on writing... and Dmwishing I was well
I Amsaid it’s no occasion... it’s no Emstory I can Ftell G
At my Cbedside... empty Dpocket... a Ffoot without a sock
Your Abody gets much A7closer
I Gfumble for the Bclock... aAmlarmed by... the seDduction
I Amwish... that Fit would Dstop Dsus2


I bought a Anovel... some C#mperfume... a F#mfortune all for you
BBut it’s not my conscience... that Dmhates to be untrue
I Amasked of my reEmflection tell me Fwhat is there to Gdo-o-o


ATempted by the A7fruit of aDnother Dsus2
ATempted but the A7truth is disDcovered Dsus2
ATempted by the A7fruit of aDnother Dsus2
ATempted but the A7truth is disDcovered Dsus2 cha-cha-cha

1 2 A 1 A7 1 1 1 D 2 3 Dsus2 1 1 C#m 1 2 3 F#m 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 Dm 2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 E7 1 1 1 Bm