You’re So Vain
Carly Simon
Intro: [Am]
[Verse 1]
You [Am] walked into a party... like you were [F] walking onto a [Am] yacht
Your hat strat[Am]egically dipped below one eye... your [F] scarf it was apri[Am]cot
You had [F] one eye [G] in the [Em] mirror [Am] as
you [F] watched yourself ga[C]vote [pause]
And all the [G] girls dreamed that [F] they’d be your partner, they’d be your partner and
|[C] You’re so vain... you [F] prob’ly think this song is a[C]bout you
|You’re so [Am] vain
|I [F] bet you think this song is a[G]bout you, don’t you, don’t you?
[Verse 2]
You [Am] had me several years ago... when [F] I was still quite na[Am]ive
Well you [Am] said that we make such a pretty pair... and [F] that you would never [Am] leave
But you [F] gave a[G]way the [Em] things you [Am] loved and [F] one of them was [C] me [pause]
I had some [G] dreams there were [F] clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee and
|[C] You’re so vain... you [F] prob’ly think this song is a[C]bout you
|You’re so [Am] vain
|I [F] bet you think this song is a[G]bout you, don’t you, don’t you?
[Verse 3]
Well I [Am] hear you went up to Saratoga... and [F] your horse naturally [Am] won
Then you [Am] flew your Lear Jet up to Nova Scotia... to see the [F] total eclipse of the [Am] sun
Well you’re [F] where you [G] should be [Em] all the [Am] time... and
[F] when you’re not you’re [C] with [pause]
Some underworld [G] spy, or the [F] wife of a close friend, wife of a close friend and
|[C] You’re so vain... you [F] prob’ly think this song is a[C]bout you
|You’re so [Am] vain
|I [F] bet you think this song is a[G]bout you, don’t you, don’t you?
[Am – single strum]
You’re So Vain [Am]Carly Simon
Verse 1 You Am walked into a party... like you were F walking onto a Am yacht Your hat stratAmegically dipped below one eye... your F scarf it was apriAmcot You had F one eye G in the Em mirror Am as you F watched yourself gaCvote pause And all the G girls dreamed that F they’d be your partner, they’d be your partner and
Chorus C You’re so vain... you F prob’ly think this song is aCbout you You’re so Am vain I F bet you think this song is aGbout you, don’t you, don’t you?
Verse 2 You Am had me several years ago... when F I was still quite naAmive Well you Am said that we make such a pretty pair... and F that you would never Am leave But you F gave aGway the Em things you Am loved and F one of them was C me pause I had some G dreams there were F clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee and
Chorus C You’re so vain... you F prob’ly think this song is aCbout you You’re so Am vain I F bet you think this song is aGbout you, don’t you, don’t you?
Verse 3 Well I Am hear you went up to Saratoga... and F your horse naturally Am won Then you Am flew your Lear Jet up to Nova Scotia... to see the F total eclipse of the Am sun Well you’re F where you G should be Em all the Am time... and F when you’re not you’re C with pause Some underworld G spy, or the F wife of a close friend, wife of a close friend and
Chorus C You’re so vain... you F prob’ly think this song is aCbout you You’re so Am vain I F bet you think this song is aGbout you, don’t you, don’t you?