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My Name Is Jonas [C]Weezer

C G Em Am G Em
C G Em Am G My name Em is
JoCnas G Am I'mF carrying the
Cwheel G Em Am GThanks forEmall you've
Cshown us G Am ButF this is how we
Cfeel G Am F

CCome sit Gnext to me Am Pour yourFself some tea
CJust like Ggrandma made AmWhen we couldn't Ffind sleep
CThings were Gbetter then Am Once but Fnever again
CWe've all Gleft the den AmLet me tell you F'bout it

The Cchoo-choo train Amleft right on Gtime
A Cticket costs Amonly your Gmind
The Cdriver said Amhey man we go Gall the way
Of Ccourse we were Amwilling to Gpay

C G Em Am G Em
C G Em Am G My name Em is
WeCpeel G Am I gotta Fbox full of your
Ctoys G Em Am GThey're fresh Em out of
Cbatteries G Am ButF they're still makin'
Cnoise G makin' Am noise F

CTell me Gwhat to do AmNow the Ftank is dry
CNow this Gwheel is flat AmAnd you Fknow what else?
CGuess what GI received AmIn the Fmail today
CWords of Gdeep concern AmFrom my little Fbrother

The Cbuilding's not Amgoin' as he Gplanned
The Cforeman has Aminjured his Ghand
The Cdozer will Amnot clear a Gpath
The Cdriver swears Amhe learned his Gmath

The Fworkers are goin' Ghome! x4

YeCah! C C C

harmonica/guitar solo
C Am G x4

The Emworkers are Fgoin' Ghome!

C G Em Am G Em
C G Em Am G My name Em is

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 2 Am 1 2 F