Spread a little Happiness[C] - Sting
[C]Even when the [Em]darkest clouds are [Am]in the [C]sky,
You [F]mustn't sigh and you [Em7]mustn't [A7]cry,
[F]Spread a little [Am7]happiness as [Dm7]you, [G7]go, [C]by, please [G7]try.
[C]What's the use of [Em]worrying and [Am]feeling[C] blue,
When [F]days are long, keep on [Em7]smiling [A7]through,
[F]Spread a little [Am7]happiness till [Dm7]dreams, [G7]come, [C]true.
Surely you'll be [F]wise, to [C]make, the [G]best, of [Edim]every [G7]blues day,
Don't you real[C]ize, you'll [G]find, next [F]Monday [Am]or next [Dm7]Tuesday,
Your [G7]golden shoes day.
[C]Even when the [Em]darkest clouds are [Am]in the [C]sky,
You [F]mustn't sigh and you [Em7] mustn't [A7]cry,
[F]Spread a little [Am7]happiness as [Dm7]you, [G7]go, [C]by. [G7]
[C]I've got a creed, for every need, so easy that it must [Em7]suc[A7]ceed,
[F]I'll set it down for [Ab]you to [G7]read so [C]please, take [G7]heed.
[C]Keep out the gloom, let in the sun, that's my advice for [B]every [Em]one,
[Am]It's only once we pass this way, so [G7]day, by day.[Gaug]
[C]Even when the [Em]darkest clouds are [Am]in the [C]sky,
You [F]mustn't sigh and you[Em7] mustn'[A7]t cry,
[F]Spread a little [Am7]happiness as [Dm7]you, [G7]go, [C]by, please [G7]try.
[C]What's the use of [Em]worrying and [Am]feeling [C]blue,
When [F]days are long, keep on [Em7]smiling [A7]through,
[F]Spread a little [Am7]happiness till [Dm7]dreams, [G7]come, [C]true.
Surely you'll be [F]wise, to [C]make, the [G]best, of [Edim]every [G7]blues day,
Don't you real[C]ize, you'll [G]find, next [F]Monday [Am]or next [Dm7]Tuesday,
your [G7]golden shoes day.
[C]Even when the [Em]darkest clouds are [Am]in the [C]sky,
You [F]mustn't sigh and you [Em7] mustn't [A7]cry,
[F]Spread a little [Am7]happiness as [Dm7]you, [G7]go, [C]by.
[F]Spread a little [Am7]happiness as [Dm7]you, [G7]go, [C]by.
Spread a little Happiness [C]Sting
CEven when the Emdarkest clouds are Amin the Csky, You Fmustn't sigh and you Em7mustn't A7cry,
FSpread a little Am7happiness as Dm7you, G7go, Cby, please G7try.
CWhat's the use of Emworrying and AmfeelingC blue, When Fdays are long, keep on Em7smiling A7through, FSpread a little Am7happiness till Dm7dreams, G7come, Ctrue.
Surely you'll be Fwise, to Cmake, the Gbest, of Edimevery G7blues day, Don't you realCize, you'll Gfind, next FMonday Amor next Dm7Tuesday, Your G7golden shoes day.
CEven when the Emdarkest clouds are Amin the Csky, You Fmustn't sigh and you Em7 mustn't A7cry, FSpread a little Am7happiness as Dm7you, G7go, Cby. G7
CI've got a creed, for every need, so easy that it must Em7sucA7ceed, FI'll set it down for Abyou to G7read so Cplease, take G7heed. CKeep out the gloom, let in the sun, that's my advice for Bevery Emone, AmIt's only once we pass this way, so G7day, by day.Gaug
CEven when the Emdarkest clouds are Amin the Csky, You Fmustn't sigh and youEm7 mustn'A7t cry, FSpread a little Am7happiness as Dm7you, G7go, Cby, please G7try.
CWhat's the use of Emworrying and Amfeeling Cblue, When Fdays are long, keep on Em7smiling A7through, FSpread a little Am7happiness till Dm7dreams, G7come, Ctrue.
Surely you'll be Fwise, to Cmake, the Gbest, of Edimevery G7blues day, Don't you realCize, you'll Gfind, next FMonday Amor next Dm7Tuesday, your G7golden shoes day.
CEven when the Emdarkest clouds are Amin the Csky, You Fmustn't sigh and you Em7 mustn't A7cry, FSpread a little Am7happiness as Dm7you, G7go, Cby. FSpread a little Am7happiness as Dm7you, G7go, Cby.