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Year 3000 [C]Busted

COne day, when I Gcame home,
At Amlunch time, I Fheard a funny noise,
I Cwent out, to the Gback yard,
To Amfind out, if it was Fone of those roudy boys,
CStood there, was my Gneighbor,
Called AmPeter, in a FFlux Capasitor

CHe told me he built aG time machine,
Like one in a Ffilm I've seen,
GYeah, yeah,

He said I've Cbeen to the Gyear 3 Fthousand,G
Not much hasC changed but they Glive underFwater,G
And your Cgreat, great, Ggreat, grand Fdaughter,G
Is pretty Cfine!  GShe's pretFty fineG

CHe took me, to the Gfuture,
In the AmFlux thing, and FI saw everything,
CBoy bands, and Ganother one,
And Amanother one, Fand another one,
CTripple, breasted Gwomen,
Swimmin' Amround town, Ftotally naked!

CHe told me he built aG time machine,
Like one in a Ffilm I've seen,
GYeah, yeah,

He said I've Cbeen to the Gyear 3 Fthousand,G
Not much hasC changed but they Glive underFwater,G
And your Cgreat, great, Ggreat, grand Fdaughter,G
Is pretty Cfine!  GShe's pretFty fineG

CI took a trip to the Gyear 3000,
FThis song had gone Gmuti platinum,
CEverybody bought our 7Gth album,
FIt had outsold GMichael Jackson,
CI took a trip to the Gyear 3000,
FThis song had gone Gmulti platinum,
CEverybody bought our 7Gth album,
F7th album, G7th album...

CHe told me he built a Gtime machine,
Like one in a Ffilm I've seen,
GYeah, yeah,

Chorus x 2
He said I've Cbeen to the Gyear 3 Fthousand,G
Not much hasC changed but they Glive underFwater,G
And your Cgreat, great, Ggreat, grand Fdaughter,G
Is pretty Cfine!  GShe's pretFty fineG

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 F