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Don’t Stop [E]Fleetwood Mac

E-A  E-A  E-A  E-A

Verse 1
EIf you Dwake up and Adon't want to smile
EIf it Dtakes just a Alittle while
EOpen your Deyes and Alook at the day
B7You'll see things in a B7different way


EDon't Dstop Athinking about tomorrow
EDon't Dstop;A it'll soon be here
EIt'll Dbe    Abetter than before
B7Yesterday's gone, B7yesterday's gone

Verse 2
EWhy not Dthink about Atimes to come
EAnd not Dabout the Athings that you've done
EIf your Dlife was Abad to you
B7Just think what B7tomorrow will do


Verse 3

EAll I Dwant is to Asee you smile
EIf it Dtakes just a Alittle while
EI know you Ddon't Abelieve that it's true
B7I never meant any B7harm to you


EOooDoooAoooh, don't you look back.E... D x 4A

1 2 E 1 2 A 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 B7