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If we were vampires [Am]Jason Isbell

It's not the Amlong, flowing Emdress that you're Fin
Or the Amlight coming Emoff of your Fskin
The fragile Fheart you protected for so Clong
Or the Fmercy in your sense of right and CwrongG
It's not your Amhands searching Emslow in the F dark
Or your Amnails leaving Emlove's water-Fmark
It's Fnot the way you talk meC off the roof
Your Fquestions like directions to the CtruthG

It's Fknowing that this can't go on for-Cever
FLikely one of us will have to Cspend some days aGlone
FMaybe we'll get forty years to-Cgether
But Gone day I'll be Fgone
Or one day you'll be CgoneG

Verse 2
If we were Amvampires and Emdeath was a Fjoke
We'd go Amout on the Emsidewalk and Fsmoke
FLaugh at all the lovers and theirC plans
I Fwouldn't feel the need to hold your ChandG
Maybe Amtime running Emout is a Fgift
I'll work Amhard 'til the Emend of my Fshift
And Fgive you every second I can Cfind
And Fhope it isn't me who's left CbehindG


2 Am 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G