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Thingummybob [C]Gracie fields

I Ccan't pretend to Gbe a Cgreat celebritGy,
but Cstill, I'm quite imporAmtant in me way.DmG
The Cjob I have to Gdo may Cnot sound much toG you
butC all the same, I'm Amvery proud to sayDmG7

I'm theC girl that makes the Emthing that drills theAm hole
that holds theEm ring that drives theF rod that turns theG knob
on the thing-ummyC-bob.

I'm the Cgirl that makes the Emthing that holds theAm oil
that oils the Emring that takes the Fshank that moves theG crank
on the thing-ummy-bob.C

It's aF ticklish sort of Djob making a Cthing for a thing-ummA7y-bob
Despecially when youD7 don't know what it's for.GG7

But it's theC girl that makes theEm thing that drills the Amhole
that holds theEm ring that makes the thing-ummFy-bob
that makes theG engines Amroar.

And it's the Fgirl that makes theD thing
that holds theC oil that oilsA7 the ring
that makes thDe thing-ummy-bob SlowerGthat'sG goGing Gto G7win the war


I'm Cnot what you wouldG call aC heroine atG all,
I Cdon't suppose you'd Ameven know meDm nameG.
ButF though I'll neverD boast of Cmy important A7post,
I'll Dstrike a blow for D7freedom just theG sameG7

It's aF ticklish sort of Djob making aC thing for a thing-uA7mmy-bob
Despecially when youD7 don't know what it's for.GG7
But it's theC girl that makes theEm thing that drills the Amhole
that holds theEm ring that makes the thing-ummFy-bob
that makesG the enginesAm roar.

And it's the Fgirl that makes theD thing
that holds theC oil that oilsA7 the ring
that makes thD7e thing-ummy-bob Gthat's going to win the Cwar
that makes thD7e thing-ummy-bob Gthat's going to win the Cwar

3 C 1 2 3 G 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 1 1 D 1 A7 1 2 D7