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Oklahoma [C]

COklahoma, where the Gwind comes sweepin' down the G7plain
And the Cwavin' wheat can Gsure smell G7sweet
When the Awind comes D7right behind the Grain.
COklahoma, Ev'ry Gnight my honey lamb and G7I
Sit aClone and C7talk and Gwatch a G7hawk
Makin' Clazy Gcircles in the Csky.

C7We Fknow we belong to the Cland
And the Gland we belong to is G7grand!
And when we Csay
?Yeeow! ?Ayipioee?ay!
?We're only sayin'
?You're doin' ?fine, Okla?ho?ma!
Okla?homa ?O.K!

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 1 2 A 1 2 D7 1 C7 1 2 F