Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Green Day
[Em] [G] [D] [A]
[Em] I walk a [G]lonely road... the [D]only one that [A]I have ever [Em]Known...
Don’t know [G]where it goes... [D]but it’s home to [A]me and I walk A[Em]lone [G] [D] [A]
[Em] I walk this [G]empty street... [D]on the boule[A]vard of broken [Em]Dreams...
Where the [G]city sleeps... and [D]I’m the only [A]one and I walk A[Em]lone [G]
[D] I walk a[A]lone I walk A[Em]lone [G] [D] I walk a[A]lone... I walk a-
[C] My [G]shadow’s the [D]only one that [Em]walks beside me
[C] My [G]shallow [D]heart’s the only [Em]thing that’s beating
[C] Some[G]times I [D]wish someone out [Em]there will find me
[C] Till [G]then I [B]walk alone [*stop]
[Em] Ah-ah [G] ah-ah [D] ah-ah [A] ah-
[Em]Ah... ah-ah [G] ah-ah [D] ah-ah [A]
[Em] I’m walking [G]down the line... [D]that divides me [A]somewhere in my [Em]mind...
On the [G]border line [D]of the edge and [A]where I walk A[Em]lone [G] [D] [A]
[Em] Read be[G]tween the lines... [D]what’s fucked up and [A]everything’s Al[Em]right...
Check my [G]vital signs... to [D]know I’m still a[A]live and I walk A[Em]lone [G]
[D] I walk a[A]lone... I walk A[Em]lone [G] [D] I walk a[A]lone... I walk a-
[C] My [G]shadow’s the [D]only one that [Em]walks beside me
[C] My [G]shallow [D]heart’s the only [Em]thing that’s beating
[C] Some[G]times I [D]wish someone out [Em]there will find me
[C] Till [G]then I [B]walk alone [*stop]
[Em] Ah-ah [G] ah-ah [D] ah-ah [A] ah-
[Em]Ah... ah-ah [G] ah-ah [D] ah-ah... I walk a[A]lone I walk a...
[C] [G] [D] [Em]
[C] [G] [D] [Em]
[C*][C*] [G*][G*] [D] [Em]
[C*][C*] [G*][G*] [B] [B] [stop]
[Em] I walk this [G]empty street... [D]on the boule[A]vard of broken [Em]Dreams...
Where the [G]city sleeps.. and [D]I’m the only [A]one and I walk a-
[C] My [G]shadow’s the [D]only one that [Em]walks beside me
[C] My [G]shallow [D]heart’s the only [Em]thing that’s beating
[C] Some[G]times I [D]wish someone out [Em]there will find me
[C] Till [G]then I [B]walk alone [*stop]
Boulevard of Broken Dreams [Em]Green Day
Em I walk a Glonely road... the Donly one that AI have ever EmKnown... Don’t know Gwhere it goes... Dbut it’s home to Ame and I walk AEmlone GDA
Em I walk this Gempty street... Don the bouleAvard of broken EmDreams... Where the Gcity sleeps... and DI’m the only Aone and I walk AEmlone G D I walk aAlone I walk AEmlone GD I walk aAlone... I walk a-
Chorus C My Gshadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me C My Gshallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating C SomeGtimes I Dwish someone out Emthere will find me C Till Gthen I Bwalk alone *stop
Em Ah-ah G ah-ah D ah-ah A ah- EmAh... ah-ah G ah-ah D ah-ah A
Em I’m walking Gdown the line... Dthat divides me Asomewhere in my Emmind... On the Gborder line Dof the edge and Awhere I walk AEmlone GDA
Em Read beGtween the lines... Dwhat’s fucked up and Aeverything’s AlEmright... Check my Gvital signs... to Dknow I’m still aAlive and I walk AEmlone G D I walk aAlone... I walk AEmlone GD I walk aAlone... I walk a-
C My Gshadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me C My Gshallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating C SomeGtimes I Dwish someone out Emthere will find me C Till Gthen I Bwalk alone *stop
Em Ah-ah G ah-ah D ah-ah A ah- EmAh... ah-ah G ah-ah D ah-ah... I walk aAlone I walk a...
Solo CGDEm CGDEm C*C*G*G*DEm C*C*G*G*BBstop
Em I walk this Gempty street... Don the bouleAvard of broken EmDreams... Where the Gcity sleeps.. and DI’m the only Aone and I walk a-
C My Gshadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me C My Gshallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating C SomeGtimes I Dwish someone out Emthere will find me C Till Gthen I Bwalk alone *stop