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Boulevard of Broken Dreams [Em]Green Day

Em G D A

Em I walk a Glonely road... the Donly one that AI have ever EmKnown...
Don’t know Gwhere it goes... Dbut it’s home to Ame and I walk AEmlone G D A

Em I walk this Gempty street... Don the bouleAvard of broken EmDreams...
Where the Gcity sleeps... and DI’m the only Aone and I walk AEmlone G
D I walk aAlone I walk AEmlone G D I walk aAlone... I walk a-

C My Gshadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me
C My Gshallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating
C SomeGtimes I Dwish someone out Emthere will find me
C Till Gthen I Bwalk alone *stop

Em Ah-ah G ah-ah D ah-ah A ah-
EmAh... ah-ah G ah-ah D ah-ah A

Em I’m walking Gdown the line... Dthat divides me Asomewhere in my Emmind...
On the Gborder line Dof the edge and Awhere I walk AEmlone G D A

Em Read beGtween the lines... Dwhat’s fucked up and Aeverything’s AlEmright...
Check my Gvital signs... to Dknow I’m still aAlive and I walk AEmlone G
D I walk aAlone... I walk AEmlone G D I walk aAlone... I walk a-

C My Gshadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me
C My Gshallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating
C SomeGtimes I Dwish someone out Emthere will find me
C Till Gthen I Bwalk alone *stop

Em Ah-ah G ah-ah D ah-ah A ah-
EmAh... ah-ah G ah-ah D ah-ah... I walk aAlone I walk a...

C G D Em
C G D Em
C*C* G*G* D Em
C*C* G*G* B B stop

Em I walk this Gempty street... Don the bouleAvard of broken EmDreams...
Where the Gcity sleeps.. and DI’m the only Aone and I walk a-

C My Gshadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me
C My Gshallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating
C SomeGtimes I Dwish someone out Emthere will find me
C Till Gthen I Bwalk alone *stop

1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 A 3 C 1 2 3 B