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Breakfast At Tiffany's [C]Deep Blue Something


Verse 1
You sayC...
That Fwe've got Gnothing in Ccommon
No Fcommon Gground to Cstart from
And Fwe're fallGing aCpart F-G

Verse 2
You'll sayC
The Fworld has Gcome beCtween us
Our Flives have Gcome beCtween us
But FI know Gyou just don't Ccare F-G

And CI said... what about...
GBreakfast at FTiffany's... she Csaid I... think I...
ReGmember the Ffilm and as CI recall... I think...
We Gboth kind of Fliked it... and CI said... well that's...
GOne thing we've Fgot


Verse 3
I Csee you
You're the Fonly Gone who Cknew me
And Fnow your Geyes see Cthrough me
F... I guess GI was Cwrong F-G

Verse 4
So Cwhat now
It's Fplain to Gsee we’re Cover
And I Fhate when Gthings are Cover
And Fso much is Gleft unCdone F-G


Verse 5 Single Strum
CYou say
That Fwe've got Gnothing in Ccommon
No Fcommon Gground to Cstart from
And Fwe're fallGing aCpart F-G

Verse 6
You'll sayC
The Fworld has Gcome beCtween us
Our Flives have Gcome beCtween us
But still FI know Gyou just don't Ccare F-G

Chorus x2
And CI said... what about...
GBreakfast at FTiffany's... she Csaid I... think I...
ReGmember the Ffilm and as CI recall... I think...
We Gboth kind of Fliked it... and CI said... well that's...
GOne thing we've Fgot

Outro C F-G C F-G C*

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G