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Dance Monkey [Am]Tones and I

Am F G Em

They say Amoh my god I see the way you
Take your Ghand, my dear, and place them
both in minEme
You know you sAmtopped me dead when I was
passing byF
And now I bGeg to see you dance just one
more timEme

Oh I Amsee you, see you, see you every Ftime
And oh my GI, I, I, I like your Emstyle
You, you Ammake me, make me, make me wanna
And now I bGeg to see you dance just one
more time

So I say
AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh Foh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're doGne I'll make you do it
all againEm

I said Amoh my god I see you walkingF by
Take my hGands, my dear, and look me in my
Just like a mAmonkey I've been dancing my
whole lifFe
And you just bGeg to see me dance just one
more timeEm

Oh I Amsee you, see you, see you everyF time
And oh my GI, I, I, I like your sEmtyle
You, you Ammake me, make me, make me wanna
And now I bGeg to see you dance just one
more time

So I say

AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh Foh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're doGne I'll make you do it
all againEm

They say
AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh oFh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're dGone I'll make you do it
all againEm

AmOoh -all agFain, all Gagain-
Woah-Emoh, woah-oh, oh
AmOoh -all agFain, all Gagain-
Ah ah, ah ah, ay

They say
AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh Foh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're dGone I'll make you do it
all againEm

They say
AmDance for me

Dance for me
Dance for me, oh oh Foh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I've never sGeen anybody do the things you
do beforeEm

They say
AmMove for me

Move for me
Move for me, ay ay Fay
And when you're dGone I'll make you do it
all agaiEmn
All again

2 Am 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em