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In The Arms Of The Angel [C]Sarah McLachlan

C Cadd9
C Cadd9

CSpend all your time Dmwaiting for that Fsecond chance,
for a Cbreak that would Fmake it oGkay.
GThere's always some Dmreason to feel Fnot good enough,
and it's Chard, at the Fend of the Gday.
GI need some Dmdistraction, Oh, a Fbeautiful release.
CmemoriesF seep from my Gveins.
GLet me beDm empty, Oh, and Fweightless and maybe, I'll Cfind some Fpeace toG-night.


In theC armsCadd9 of theC angel, flyEm away from here,
from this Fdark, cold hotel room, and the Cendlessness that you Gfeel.
You are Cpulled Cadd9from the Cwreckage, Of your Emsilent reverie.
You're in the Farms of the angel, may you CfindG some comfort Chere.

Verse 2

CSo tired of theDm straight line, and Feverywhere you turn,
there's Cvultures and Fthieves at your Gback.
GThe storm keeps on Dmtwisting. Keep onF building the lies
that you Cmake up for all that you Glack.
GDon't make no Dmdifference, Fescape one last time.
It's CeasierF to beGlieve
Gin this sweet Dmmadness, Oh, this Fglorious sadness,
that Cbrings me Fto my Gknees.


In theC armsCadd9 of theC angel, flyEm away from here,
from this dFark, cold hotel room, and the Cendlessness that you Gfeel.
You are Cpulled Cadd9from the Cwreckage, Of yourEm silent reverie.
You're in the Farms of the angel, may you CfindG some comfort Chere.
You're in the Farms of the angel, may you CfindG some comfort Chere.


C -> Cadd9
C -> Cadd9

3 C 1 3 Cadd9 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 F 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em