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One Day Like This [F]Elbow


Verse 1
F Drinking in the morning sun F
Bb Blinking in the morning sun Bb
C Shaking off a heavy one C
Yeah Bb heavy like a loaded gun Bb
F What made me behave that way? F
Bb Using words I never say  Bb
I can C7 only think it must be love C7
Oh Bb anyway, it's Bb looking like a beautiful
F day F

Verse 2
F Someone tell me how I feel F
It's Bb silly wrong, but vivid right Bb
Oh C kiss me like a final meal C
Yeah Bb kiss me like we die tonight Bb
'Cause F holy cow I love your eyes F
And Bb only now I see the light  Bb
Yeah C7 lying with you half awake C7
Oh Bb anyway, it's Bb looking like a beautiful
F day F F F*

Verse 3 - Quiet
F* When my face is chamois creased
Bb* If you think I wink I did
C* Laugh politely at repeats
Yeah Bb* kiss me when my lips are thin
'Cause F holy cow I love your eyes F
And Bb only now I see the light Bb
Yeah C7 lying with you half awake, C7 stumbling over what to say
Well Bb anyway, it's Bb looking like a beautiful
F day F F F

F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right
F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right

Bass drops
F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right
F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right

w/ "Holy Cow" ad-lib
F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right
F holy cow I love your Eb eyes , And Bb      only    now    I    see    the  F    light
F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right
F holy cow I love your Eb eyes , And Bb      only    now    I    see    the  F    light

F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right
F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right

Last Time
F throw those curtains Eb wide, One Bb day like this a year would see me F right
F* throw those curtains Eb* wide, One Bb* day like this a year would see me F* right

1 2 F 1 2 3 Bb 3 C 1 C7 1 1 1 Eb