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Belter [Em]Gerry Cinnamon

EmShe Is a Belter

Verse 1
EmShe is a belter D- Different from the rest
CDiamonds on her finger - And sheEm always looks her best
She is a Emgangster -With a Dhundred mile stare
CWhen she walks - Her fEmeet don't touch the flair
She is a EmbelterDEm

Verse 2
She plays wi Emlightning - I'm a Dhundred miles high
CDishing out the thunder - Like aEm Dod inside the sky
She is a Emdancer - And she Ddances in my dreams
ReCminds me that the world - is not as Emevil as it seems
She is a EmbelterDEm

Chorus 1
No happyC endings - Unless Gfairytales comes true
But sDhe looks like a princess - And Emthere's not much else to do
I think CI love her - She gets Gunderneath my skin
But DI've been stung a few times - So I Emdon't let noone in
No even EmbeltersDC
She is aEm belter

Verse 3
How can she Emreach me - When I'm Dhigh above the shelf
CLost inside a smoke ring - While I Emponder tae myself
Is she the Emanswer - To the Dquestion in my mind
Is Chappiness an option – Or has Emlove just turned me blind
Is she aEm belterDEm

Chorus 2
No happyC endings - Unless Gfairytales comes true
DBut she looks like a princess - And there's Emnot much else to do
I think I Clove her - She gets Gunderneath my skin
But DI've been stung a few times - So I dEmon't let noone in
No even EmbeltersDC
She is aEm belter

1 2 3 Em 1 1 1 D 3 C 1 2 3 G