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The Duck Song [C]Bryant Oden

C    C    F    G

CBam bam bam, baFdambadGam
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any Cgrapes?"FG
CThe man said: "No, we just Fsell lemonGade,
CBut it's cold, and it's fresh, and it's Fall home-Gmade!
CCan I get you a glass?"F
GThe duck said
"IC'll pass."FG

Then he waddled aCway - waddle waddleFG
'Til the Cvery next day,FG

CBam bam bam, baFdambadaGm
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any Cgrapes?"FG
CThe man said: "No, like I Fsaid yesterGday
CWe just sell lemonade, Fokay?G
CWhy not give it a Ftry?"
GThe duck said
"CGood bye."FG

Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle
F'Til the Gvery next Cday...FG

CBam bam bam, baGdambadaFm
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any Cgrapes?"FG
CThe man said: "Look, Fthis is gGettin' old.
CI mean, lemonade's all we've Fever soldG.
CWhy not give it a Fgo?"
GThe duck said
"CHow about... - Fno."G

Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle
F'Til the Gvery next Cday...FG

CBam bam bam, baGdambadaFm
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any gCrapes?"FG
CThe man said: "That's it! If you don't Fstay awGay, duck,
CI'll glue you to a tree and leave you there Fall day Gstuck!
CSo don't get too cFlose!"
GThe duck said

Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle
F'Til the Gvery next Cday...FG

CBam bam bam, baGdambadaFm
CA duck walked Cup to a Flemonade Gstand
CAnd he said to the Cman Frunnin' the Gstand:
"CHey! bam bam Fbam
GGot any gClue?"FG
C"What?" C"Got any glue?" "FNo, why would GI - oh..."
C"Then one more qFuestion for yGou:
CGot any grapes?"FGG
CBam bam bam, baFm bam Gbam
CAnd the man just stopped,
The he sFtarted to sGmile,
CHe started to laugh,
FHe laughed for a Gwhile.
CHe said
"Come on, duck,
Let's Fwalk to the sCtore.
CI'll buy you some grapes,
So you don't Fhave to ask anymGore."

CSo they walked to the store,
And the man Fbought some gGrapes.
CHe gave one to the dFuck,G
And the duck said
"Hmm, no tChanks.
FBut you Gknow what sounds Cgood?
CIt would Fmake my Gday
CDo you think this Fstore..G.
CDo you think this Fstore..G.
CDo you think this FstoreG
CHas any lemonade?"FG

Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddle waddleFG
Then he waddled Caway - waddle waddleFGC

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G