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Old time rock & roll [C]Bob Segar

Intro -x2

just take those old records Coff the shelf,
I ll sit and listen to them Fby myself
Today s music ain t Ggot the same soul,
I like that old time Crock and rollG

Don t try to take me to a Cdisco;
you ll never even get me Fout on the floor
In ten minutes I ll be Gleaving for the door,
I like that old time Crock and rollG

Still like that old time Crock and roll,
that kind of music just Fsoothes the soul
I reminisce about the Gdays of old,
with that old time Crock and rollG

Won t go to hear them play a Ctango,
I d rather hear some blues and Ffunky old soul
There s only one sure way to Gget me to go,
start playing old time Crock and rollG

Call me a relic call me Cwhat you will,
say I m old fashioned say I m Fover the hill
Today s music ain t Ggot the same soul,
I like that old time Crock and rollG

Still like that old time Crock and roll,
that kind of music just sFoothes the soul
I reminisce about the Gdays of old,
with that old time Crock and rollG

Still like that old time Crock and roll,
that kind of music just Fsoothes the soul
I reminisce about the Gdays of old,
with that old time Crock and rollG

Still like that old time Crock and roll

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G