White Man's World - Jason Isbell
Am Em G Am Em G
I'm a white man livin' in a white man's world
Am Em G Am Em G
Under our roof is a baby girl
Dm Am C Dm Am C
I thought this world could be her's one day
Am Em G Am Em G
But her momma knew better . .
Am Em G Am Em G
I'm a white man livin' in a white man's town
Am Em G Am Em G
Wanna take a shot of cocaine and burn it down
Dm Am C Dm Am C
Momma wants to change that Nashville sound
Am Em G Am Em G
But they're never gonna let her . .
Dm F Em Am
There's no such thing as someone else's war
Dm F Em Am Em G
Your creature comforts aren't the only things worth fighting for
Dm F Em Am Em G
Still breathin' it's not too late
Dm F Em E
We're all carryin' one big burden, sharin' one fate
[Verse 3]
Am Em G Am Em G
I'm a white man livin' on a white man's street
Am Em G Am Em G
I've got the bones of the red man under my feet
Dm Am C Dm Am C
The highway runs through their burial grounds
Am Em G Am Em G
Past the oceans of cotton . .
[Verse 4]
Am Em G Am Em G
I'm a white man lookin' in a black man's eyes
Am Em G Am Em G
Wishin' I'd never been one of the guys
Dm Am C Dm Am C
Who pretended not to hear another white man's joke
Am Em G Am Em G
Ol' times ain't forgotten . .
Dm F Em Am
There's no such thing as someone else's war
Dm F Em Am Em G
Your creature comforts aren't the only things worth fighting for
Dm F Em Am Em G
Still breathin' it's not too late
Dm F Em E
We're all carryin' one big burden, sharin' one fate
[Verse 5]
Am Em G Am Em G
I'm a white man livin' in a white man's nation
Am Em G Am Em G
I think the man upstairs must'a took a vacation
Dm Am C Dm Am C
I still have faith, but I don't know why
Am Em G Am Em G
Maybe it's the fire in my little girl's eyes
Am Em G Am
Maybe it's the fire in my little girl's eyes
White Man's World [Am]Jason Isbell
AmI'm a white man livin' in a Emwhite man's GworldAmEmG AmUnder our roof is a Embaby GgirlAmEmG I Dmthought this world could be Amher's one CdayDmAmC But her Ammomma knew better Em. G.AmEmG
I'm a Amwhite man livin' in a Emwhite man's GtownAmEmG Wanna Amtake a shot of cocaine and Emburn it GdownAmEmG DmMomma wants to change that AmNashville CsoundDmAmC But they're Amnever gonna let her Em. G.AmEmG
Chorus DmThere's no such Fthing as Emsomeone Amelse's war DmYour creature Fcomforts Emaren't the Amonly things worth Emfighting Gfor DmStill breathin' it's Fnot too EmlateAmEmG DmWe're all carryin' Fone big Emburden, Esharin' one fate
Verse 3 I'm a Amwhite man livin' on a Emwhite man's GstreetAmEmG I've got the Ambones of the red manEm under my GfeetAmEmG The Dmhighway runs through their Amburial CgroundsDmAmC Past the Amoceans of cotton Em. G.AmEmG
Verse 4 I'm a Amwhite man lookin' in a Emblack man's GeyesAmEmG AmWishin' I'd never been Emone of the GguysAmEmG Who preDmtended not to hear another Amwhite man's CjokeDmAmC Ol' Amtimes ain't forgotten Em. G.AmEmG
Chorus DmThere's no such Fthing as Emsomeone Amelse's war DmYour creature Fcomforts Emaren't the Amonly things worth Emfighting Gfor DmStill breathin' it's Fnot too EmlateAmEmG DmWe're all carryin' Fone big Emburden, Esharin' one fate
Verse 5 I'm a Amwhite man livin' in a Emwhite man's GnationAmEmG I think the Amman upstairs must'a Emtook a vaGcationAmEmG I Dmstill have faith, but I Amdon't know CwhyDmAmC AmMaybe it's the fire in my Emlittle girl's GeyesAmEmG AmMaybe it's the fire in my Emlittle girl's GeyesAm