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Bless Your Beautiful Hide [C]Howard Keel


Verse 1
C Bless your beautiful hide, wherever you may be
We ain't met yet but I'm a-willing to bet
G You're the F gal for C me

Verse 2
C Bless your beautiful hide
You're just as good as lost
I don't know your name but I'm a-stakin' my claim
G Lest your F eyes is C crossed

Oh, I'd F swap my gun and I'd C swop my mule
Though Fwhoever C took it would be F one big C fool
Or F pay your way through G cookin' C school
If'n you would G say I C Do

Verse 3
C Bless your beautiful hide, prepare to bend your knee
And take that vow 'cause I'm a-tellin' you now
G You're the F gal for C me

Verse 4
F Pretty and trim but C kinda slim
F Heavenly eyes but, C oh, that size
F She's gotta be right to Em be the Dm bride for C me
C Bless your beautiful hide, G wherever you may C be

Verse 5
F Pretty and trim but C not too slim
F Heavenly eyes and C just the right size
F Simple and sweet, and Em sassy Dm as can C be!
C Bless her beautiful hide

Yes, F she's the G gal for C meeeeeee
G Yee C Ha!

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 Dm