Verse 1
I Dreally don't like your Empoint of view
I Emknow you'll never Dchange
DStinging me with your Emattitude
I've the Emmind to walk awayD
I Dreally don't like your Emarrogance
Or your policiesD
You're DNinety-nine percent an emEmbarrassment
With just one qualityD
I don't mind it when you EmWhistles
Bring out the best in me when, when you Dwhistles
Show your expertise
When the Emnight always ends with a fight
I'm excited that Dyou wind up next to meA
I like it when you Emwhistles
Can I have some please of that Dwhistles
To satisfy my needs
EmSometimes I fake that I hate you and make up
So Dyou wind up next to Ame
Verse 2
I Dreally don't like your skiEmnny jeans
So take them off for meD
Show me what you've got underEmneath
So we can do this properlyD
I really don't like the Emway you smile
When you think you're rightD
But I will forgive you, the Emyolk is in the middle
And I'm chewing through the whiteD
DDreamt that you were on a Emtrain
you were leaving, you were Dleaving
You made me think of what I'd Emmiss
You were leavin', you were Dleavin'
DDreamt that you were on a Emtrain
you were leaving, you were Dleaving