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Escape (Pina Colada Song) (Yet to be worked on) [F]

F Dm C F Dm C

I was tired of my Flady,
we'd been togDmether too Clong
like a worn out Frecording
of a Dmfavorite Csong.

So while she lay there Fsleepin'
I read the Dmpaper in Cbed
and in the Gmpersonal Fcolumns
there was this Dmletter I Cread.

Chorus 1
If you like piña FcoladasAmGF
and gettin' caugDmht in the CrainGDmC
if you're Gmnot into FyogaAmGF
if you Dmhave half a CbrainEmFC

if you like Gmmakin' love at FmidnightAmGF
in the Dmdunes of Ca capeGDmC
then I'm the Gmlove that you've Flooked forAmGF
wriDmte to me and CescapEme.FC

F | Am G F | Dm | C | G Dm C | Gm
F | Am G F | Dm | C | Em F C |

I didn't think about myF lady,AmGF
I know that soDmunds kind of mCeanGDmC
But me andGm my old FladyAmGF
had fallen iDmnto the saCme old dull EmroutinFeC

So I wGmrote to the Fpaper,AmGF
took out a Dmpersonal CadGDmC
And though IGm'm nobody's Fpoet,AmGF
I thought it Dmwasn't halfC bad.EmFC

Chorus 2
Yes, I like piña FcoladasAmGF
and getting caDmught in the CrainGDmC
I'm not mGmuch into Fhealth food,AmGF
I amDm into chamCpagneEmFC

I've got to Gmmeet you by Ftomorrow AmnooGnF
and cut througDmh all this Cred tapGeDmC
At a Gmbar called FO'Malley'sAmGF
where we'll Dmplan our Cescape.EmFC

F | Am G F | Dm | C | G Dm C | Gm
F | Am G F | Dm | C | Em F C |

So I waited with Fhigh hopesAmGF
and she waDmlked in the CplaceGDmC
I knew her sGmmile in an Finstant,AmGF
I knew the Dmcurve of herC faceEmFC

It was my Gmown lovely FladyAmGF
and she sDmaid, "Aw, Cit's yoGu.Dm"C
Then we Gmlaughed for a FmomentAmGF
and IDm said, "I Cnever knew.Em"FC

Chorus 2

F | Am G F | Dm | C | G Dm C | Gm
F | Am G F | Dm | C | Em F C |

Chorus 1

Yes, I like piña FcoladasAmGF
and getting caDmught in the CrainGDmC
I'm not mGmuch into Fhealth food,AmGF
I amDm into chamCpagneEmFC

Fade Out

1 2 F 1 2 3 Dm 3 C 1 2 3 Gm 2 Am 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em