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16 Going On 17 [G]Sound of Music

Single strum
You Gwait, little girl, on an Aempty stage, for Amfate to turn the Glight on
Your Glife, little girl, is an Aempty page that Ammen will want to Gwrite on
To Amwrite onD

GYou are sixteen Dgoing on seventeen, Gbaby, it's time to E7think
AmBetter beware, be Gcanny and careful, Ambaby, you're Aon the D7brink
GYou are sixteen D7going on seventeen, Gfellows will fall in E7line
AmEager young lads and Groues and cads will Amoffer you D7food and Gwine

CTotally unpreGbpared are you toG7 face a world of Cmen
CTimid and shy and Gbscared are you of Gthings beE7yond your AkenD
GYou'll need someone Dolder and wiser Gtelling you what to Cmdo
GI am seventeen E7going on eighteen, AI'll take D7care of Gyou !D

GI am sixteen Dgoing seventeen, GI know that I'm naE7ïve
AmFellows I meet may Gtell me I'm sweet, and Amwillingly AI beDlieve
GI am sixteen Dgoing on seventeen, Ginnocent as a E7rose
AmBachelor dandies, Gdrinkers of brandies, Amwhat do I D7know of Gthose ?

CTotally unpreGbpared am I to G7face a world of Cmen
CTimid and shy and Gbscared am I of Gthings beE7yond my AkenD
GI need someone Dolder and wiser, Gtelling me what to Cmdo
GYou are seventeen E7going on eighteen AI'll deD7pend on Gyou!

G  D  G  E7
Am  G  Am  D7  G

CTotally unpreGbpared are you to G7face a world of Cmen
CTimid and shy and Gbscared are you of Gthings beE7yond your AkenD
GYou'll need someone Dolder and wiser Gtelling you what to Cmdo
GI am seventeen E7going on eighteen, AI'll take D7care of Gyou !G

AI'll take D7care of Gyou !G
AI'll take D7care of Gyou !

1 2 3 G 1 2 A 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 E7 1 2 D7 3 C 1 3 2 Gb 1 2 3 G7 1 1 1 Cm