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Jessie [G]Joshua Kadison

INTRO 1st time piano only, then
G    D/F#  Am    C
G    D/F#  Am    C

GFrom a phone booth in AmVegas Jessie Ccalls at five a.Gm.
To tell me that she's Amtired  C  of all of Gthem
She says 'Baby I've been Amthinking about a Ctrailer by the Gsea
We can go to AmMexico, Cyou, the cat, and Dme
We drink teEmquila  D  and look for Cseashells
Now Emdoesn't Dthat sound Csweet?
EmJessie, you Dalways Cdo this
Every time I get back on myD feetCDCD

GJessie, paint your Cpictures, about Ghow it's gonna Cbe
GBy now I should knCow better, yoDur dreams are nevEmer freeD
But Gtell me all aCbout our little Gtrailer by the Csea
GJessie you can Calways sell Dany dream to EmmeD
GJessie you can Calways sell Dany dream to Gme

G    D/F#  Am    C
G    D/F#  Am    C

She Gasks me how the Amcat's been, I say CMoses, he's just Gfine
He used to think abAmout you  C  all the Gtime
We Gfinally took your Ampictures Cdown from the Gwall
Jessie how do you Amalways seem to Cknow just Dwhen to call?
She saysEm, get your Dstuff toCgether
Bring EmMose' and dDrive real Cfast
And Emlistening Dto her Cpromise
I swear to God this time it's gonna lDastCDCD

GJessie, paint your Cpictures, about Ghow it's gonna Cbe
  G                C            D                Em      D/F#
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free
But Gtell me all aCbout our little Gtrailer by the Csea
GJessie you can Calways sell Dany dream to Gme

I Emlove you Din the Csunshine
Lay you Emdown in the Dwarm white Csand
And Emwho knows Dmaybe Cthis time
Things may turn out just the way you DplannedCDCD

GJessie, paint your Cpictures, about Ghow it's gonna Cbe
By Gnow I should know Cbetter, your Ddreams are never EmfreeD
But Gtell me all aCbout our little Gtrailer by the Csea
GJessie you can Calways sell Dany dream to EmmeD
GJessie you can Calways sell Dany dream to Gme

G    D/F#  Am    C
G    D/F#  Am    C

1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 3 2 F# 2 Am 3 C 1 2 3 Em