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Hand In My Pocket [G]Alanis Morissette


I’m Gbroke but I’m happy, I’m Gpoor but I’m kind
I’m Gshort but I’m healthy, yeah, I’m Ghigh but I’m grounded
I’m Gsane but I’m overwhelmed, I’m Glost but I’m hopeful Gbaby

And what it all comes Fdown to…C
Is that everything’s gonna be Gfine, fine, fine
Cause I got Fone hand in my pocket
And the Cother one is Dgivin’ a high-five G

I feel Gdrunk but I’m sober, I’m Gyoung and I’m underpaid
I’m Gtired but I’m working, yeah , I Gcare but I’m restless
I’m Ghere but I’m really gone, I’m Gwrong and I’m sorry Gbaby

And what it all comes Fdown to C
Is that everything’s gonna be Gquite alright
Cause I got Fone hand in my pocket
And the Cother is Dflickin’ a cigarette G

I’m Gfree but I’m focused, I’m Ggreen but I’m wise
I’m Ghard but I’m friendly, baby  I’m Gsad but I’m laughin’
I’m Gbrave but I’m chicken-shit, I’m Gsick but I’m pretty baby G

And what it all boils Fdown to C
C Is that no one’s got it really figured Gout just yet
Cause I got Fone hand in my pocket
And the Cother is Dplaying a piano G

And what it all comes Fdown to C
Is that everything’ is just Gfine, fine, fine
Cause I got Fone hand in my pocket
And the Cother is Dhailing a taxi cab G

I'm Ghere but I'm knackered, four Gdrinks and I'm pissed
I'm Gfull but i'm still eating crisps, I Gsaid I'd go easy,
I Gthink I forgot, And Gnow i'm singing in Gpublic

But what it all comes Fdown to C
CIs that it can all be blamed on Gwine, wine, wine
Coz I got Fone hand in my Tayto
And I'm Changin out Dwith my HobbyWhoresG

C G*

1 2 3 G 1 2 F 3 C 1 1 1 D