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Hillbilly Rock [C]The Woolpackers

CUp on a mountain way out of Ftown
CIt's Saturday night and the folks gather Ground
CBring a little bottle but you Fhold on tight
CIts a hill-billy rock and roGll

CHiya all say Ma and FPa
CEverybody's out in the Gyard
CSomebody's calling out
Fgo cat go
CIt's uncle Earl and his old

CHillbilly Rock, Hillbilly FRoll
CStand in line and away we go
CA little bit of moonshine, a
little bit ofF meat
CDo the hillbilly rock and rolGl
withC me

CGrandpa's rockin' in his rocking Fchair
CAnd grandma's pretty when she lets down Her Ghair
Cher hair comes down, her drFess goes up
CShe grabs a fiddle and she Gpeddles to the Cvibe

CHillbilly Rock, Hillbilly FRoll
CStand in line and away we Ggo
CA little bit of moonshine, a
little bit ofF meat
CDo the hillbilly rock and roll
GwithC me

CWell everybody dance, everybody Fsing
CSqueeze that box and make it Gring
CHere's a little bitty gift from FMa and Pa
CJohnny be good its his first GguitaCr

CHillbilly Rock, Hillbilly FRoll
CStand in line and away we go
CA little bit of moonshine, a
little bit ofF meat
CDo the hillbilly rock and rolGl
withC me

Acapella - Claps
CHillbilly Rock, Hillbilly FRoll
CStand in line and away we go
CA little bit of moonshine, a
little bit ofF meat
CDo the hillbilly rock and rolGl
withC me

Playthrough Chorus 1 more time and finish in big YEAH!

3 C 1 2 F 1 2 3 G