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Seaside Rendezvous [C]Queen

Chords C or D

CSeaside whenever you stroll along with me
I'm merely contemplating Gwhat you feel inside
DmMeanwhile I ask you to bGe my ClementG7ine
You say you Cwill if you could but you cC7an't
I Flove Gyou CmadAmly
Let Fmy imagiDmnation run Bbaway with you G7gladly
A Cbrand new C7angle hFighly commA7endable
EmSeaside DmRenGdezCvous

Verse 2
I feel so roFmantic can we do it again
Can we Cdo it again someC7time
FanC7tastic c'est la vie Mesdames et messiA7eursD7
And at the Fpeak of the A7season the MDmediterrG7anean
G7              N.C.
This time of year it's so fashionable

Solo same as v1


Verse 3
I feel like Fdancing in the rain cCan I have a voluntC7eerF
What a damn jolly good A7ideaD
It's such a FjollifiA7cation as a Dmmatter of G7fact
So Gtres charmant my dG7ear

Verse 4
Underneath the Cmoonlight together we'll sail across the sea
G7Reminiscing every night
DmMeantime I ask you to bGe my valentG7ine
You say you'd Chave to tell your daddy if you C7can
I'll be your FValGenCtiAmno
We'll Fride upon an Dmomnibus and Bbthen the casG7ino
CGet a new C7facial sFtart a sensA7ational

EmSeaside DmRenGdezCvous
So aA7dorable
EmSeaside DmRenGdezCvous ooh oohA7
EmSeaside DmRenGdezCvous
N.C.          C

3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 G7 1 C7 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 Bb 1 A7 1 2 3 Em 1 2 D7