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Mary's Boychild [G]

GLong time Cago in AmBethlehem, so the DHoly Bible Gsays,
GMary`s Cboychild, AmJesus Christ, was Gborn on DChristmas GDay.

GHark now! CHear the DAngels Gsing, a EmKing was Amborn Dtoday,
and Gman will live forCever Ammore beGcause of DChristmas GDay.

GNow Joseph Cand his Amwife, Mary, came to DBethlehem that Gnight.
GThey found no Cplace to Ambear the child, not a Gsingle Droom was in Gsight.

GHark now! CHear the DAngels Gsing, a EmKing was Amborn Dtoday,
and Gman will live forCever Ammore beGcause of DChristmas GDay.

GAnd then they Cfound a Amlittle nook, in a Dstable all forGlorn.
GAnd in a manger, Ccold and Amdark, Mary`s Glittle Dboy was Gborn.

GHark now! CHear the DAngels Gsing, a EmKing was Amborn Dtoday,
and Gman will live forCever Ammore beGcause of DChristmas GDay.

GTrumpets Csound and DAngels Gsing...Emlisten to Amwhat they Dsay,
that Gman will live forCever Ammore beGcause of DChristmas GDay.

1 2 3 G 3 C 2 Am 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 Em