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Angel [A]Sarah McLachlan

ASpend all your time Emwaitin'
For that Gsecond chance
For a Dbreak that would Gmake it Aokay
There's always some Emreason
To feel Gnot good enough
And it's Dhard at the Gend of the Aday
I need some disEmtraction
Oh Gbeautiful release
DMemories Gseep from my Aveins
Let me be Emempty and Gweightless
And maybe I'll Dfind some Gpeace to-Anight


In the Darms of the angel
Fly a-F#mway from here
From this Gdark cold hotel room
And the Dendlessness that you Afear
You are Dpulled from the wreckage
Of your F#msilent reverie
You're in the Garms of the angel
May you Df-Gi-And
some comfortD here

So tired of the Emstraight line
And Geverywhere you turn
There's Dvultures and Gthieves at your Aback
Storm keeps on Emtwistin'
keep on Gbuilding the lies
That you Dmake up for Gall that you Alack
It don't make no Emdifference
Es-Gcaping one last time
It's Deasier Gto be-Alieve
in this sweet Emmadness
Oh this Gglorious sadness that Dbrings me Gto my kAnees


You're in the Garms of the angel
May you Df-Gi-And
some comfort Dhere

1 2 A 1 2 3 Em 1 2 3 G 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 F#m