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Bob Dylan Medley [C]Bob Dylan

CHey! Mr. DTambourine Man, Gplay a song for Cme,
I'm not Gsleepy and there Cis no place I'm Dgoing to.
CHey! Mr. DTambourine Man, Gplay a song for Cme,
In the Gjingle jangle Cmorning I'll come Dfollowing Gyou.

GHow many Croads must a Gman walk down,
before you Ccall him a Dman
GHow many Cseas must a Gwhite dove sail,
before she Csleeps in the Dsand
Yes, and Ghow many Ctimes must the Gcannonballs fly,
before they're Cforever Dbanned

CThe answer my Dfriend is Gblowin' in the Emwind
The Canswer is Dblowin' in the Gwind

Verse 1
G  When the rain is blowing Din your face
F  And the whole world is Con your case
Cm  I could offer you a Gwarm embrace

A7  To make you D7feel my love.G

Verse 2
G  When evening shadows and the Dstars appear
F  And there is no one there to Cdry your tears
Cm  I could hold you for a Gmillion years
A7  To make you D7feel my loveG.

C  I know you haven't made your Gmind up yet
  But I would Cnever do you Gwrong.
C  I've known it from the moment Gthat we met
A7No doubt in my mind where you D7belong

G I'd go hungry, I'd go Dblack and blue
F  I'd go crawling down the Cavenue.
Cm  No, there's nothing that I Gwouldn't do
A7  To make you D7feel my loveG.

3 C 1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 1 1 Cm 1 A7 1 2 D7