Intro C C Csus4 G C Csus4 C C
In the Cchilly-y-y hours... and Csus4minutes
Of unCcertainty... I Csus4want to be Cin the warm hold Fof your Glovin' CmindC-G
To Cfeel you... all Csus4around me
And to Ctake your hand... aCsus4long the sand,
CAh but I might as well Ftry and Gcatch the CWind C-F-G
When Csundown... pales the Csus4sky
I want to Chide a while... beCsus4hind your smile...
And Ceverywhere I'd look... Fyour eyes GI'd CFind C-G
For Cme to... love you Csus4now
Would be the Csweetest thing... T’would Csus4make me sing
CAh but I might as well Ftry and Gcatch the
CWind C-F-G
FDiddy didee... Gdiddy didee
Diddy Emdiddee, di Emdi di dee... Di di Gdee-e-e Gsus2 G7
When Crain has... hung the Csus4leaves with tears
CI want you near... Csus4to kill my fears, CTo help me... to leave Fall my Gblues
For Cstandin' in your Csus4heart
Is where I Cwant to be... Csus4and long to be CAh but I might as well Ftry and Gcatch
the Cwind C-F-G
C Csus4
C Csus4 C F-G
C G-C C Csus4
C Csus4 C F-G
CAh but I might as well Ftry and Gcatch the Cwind