Do You Love An Apple? - Bothy Band
Do [G]you love an [C] apple? Do [G]you love a [C]pear?
Do [G]you love a [C] laddie with [G]curly brown [D]hair?
|Ah but [G] still I love him, I [C]can't deny him
|[G] I will go [C] with him wher-[D]ever he [G] goes [C] [G] [D]
Be[G]fore I got [C] married I [G]wore a black [C]shawl
But [G]since I got [C]married I [G]wear bugger [D]all
He [G]stood at the [C] corner, a [G]fag in his [C]mouth
Two [G]hands in his [C]pockets, he [G]whistled me [D]out
He [G]works at the [C] pier for [G]nine bob a [C]week
Come [G]Saturday [C]night, he comes [G]rolling home [D]drunk
Be[G]fore I got [C] married I'd [G]sport and I'd [C]play
But [G]now, the [C]cradle, it [G]gets in me [D]way
My [G]back is a-[C] breaking, my [G]fingers are [C]sore,
[G]Gutting the [C]herrin' he [G]brings to the [D]shore.
The [G]storm is a-[C] raging, his [G]boat isn't [C]in,
Why [G]doesn't one [C]tell me what's [G]happened to [D]him.
If [G]he's gone to [C] heaven, he'll [G]come to no [C] harm.
If [G]he's gone to [C]hell, then he'll [G]keep himself [D]warm
Do Gyou love an C apple? Do Gyou love a Cpear?
Do Gyou love a C laddie with Gcurly brown Dhair?
Ah but G still I love him, I Ccan't deny him
G I will go C with him wher-Dever he G goes C G D
BeGfore I got C married I Gwore a black Cshawl
But Gsince I got Cmarried I Gwear bugger Dall
He Gstood at the C corner, a Gfag in his Cmouth
Two Ghands in his Cpockets, he Gwhistled me Dout
He Gworks at the C pier for Gnine bob a Cweek
Come GSaturday Cnight, he comes Grolling home Ddrunk
BeGfore I got C married I'd Gsport and I'd Cplay
But Gnow, the Ccradle, it Ggets in me Dway
My Gback is a-C breaking, my Gfingers are Csore,
GGutting the Cherrin' he Gbrings to the Dshore.
The Gstorm is a-C raging, his Gboat isn't Cin,
Why Gdoesn't one Ctell me what's Ghappened to Dhim.
If Ghe's gone to C heaven, he'll Gcome to no C harm.
If Ghe's gone to Chell, then he'll Gkeep himself Dwarm