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Galway To Graceland [D]

Oh she dressed in the Ddark and she whispered AAmen
DShe was pretty in Gpink like a Ayoung girl Gagain
Twenty years D married and she never thought Atwice
She D sneaked out the Gdoor and walked A into the Dnight
And Asilver wings carried her Gover the Dsea
From the Awest coast of Ireland to GWest TennesDsee
To be with her sweetheart, oh she left everyAthing
She went from DGalway to GGraceland to Abe with the Dking

She was humming, D‘Suspicion’, that's the song she liked Abest
She had D‘Elvis I GLove You’ tattooAoed on her Gbreast
When she Dlanded in Memphis, well her heart beat so Afast
She'd Ddreamed for so Glong, now she'd Asee him at Glast
She was Adown by his graveside Gday after Dday
ACome closing time they would Gpull her aDway
For to be with her sweetheart, she left everyAthing
She went from DGalway to GGraceland to Abe with the Dking

They came in their Dthousands, from the whole human Arace
To Dpay their resGpects at his Alast resting Gplace
But blindly she D knelt there and she told him her Adreams
And she Dthought that he Ganswered or Athat's how it Gseems
When they Adragged her away it was Ghandcuffs this Dtime
She Asaid, "My good man are you Gout of your Dmind?
Don't you know that we're married? See, I'm wearing his Aring".
I've come from DGalway to GGraceland to Abe with the Dking.
I've come from DGalway to GGraceland to Abe with the Dking

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