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Hug [G]Ben Sands

Verse 1
I remGember I D wasn't much G older than four - maybe G7 five, at the C most
the Am go-to-school mornings were D colder - no such thing as a G bus D
our G mother'd be D searching for G schoolbags and combing our G7 hair the wrong C way
As she Am buttered our toast and D buttoned our coats, here's what my mother would G say

We G all need a D hug in the G morning and one at the G7 end of the C day
And as Am many as possible D squeezed in between to keep life's troubles at G bay D
No G matter, wherDever you G ramble, your problems be G7 great or be C small
It Am is my belief - for D instant relief - a hug is the best cure of G all

Verse 2
I G met an old D exile in G Boston, who longed to go G7 back home one C day
But he Am thought no-one there would be D carin’, for he’d been so long G away D
To G stop a tear D drop in his cofGfee, he gave his old G7 whiskers a C tug
And I Am knew that he’d give all he D needed to live
For a big welcome-home-again G hug


Verse 3
There’s a G doctor who D lives out in G China, a master of G7 medical C arts
They Am tell me that there is no D finer in curing all defective G parts D
He G says that the D very best treatGment - the only G7 truly safe C drug
The Am only elixir that surely will D fix you
Is a big warm, old-fashioned G hug

We G all need a D hug in the G morning and one at the G7 end of the C day
And as Am many as possible D squeezed in between to keep life's troubles at G bay D
No G matter, wherDever you G ramble, your problems be G7 great or be C small
It Am is my belief - for D instant relief - a hug is the best cure of G all

Verse 4
And when G Adam was D cast from the G garden and feeling that G7 life was unCfair
his Am temper was starting to D harden when Eve said “I've nothing to G wear” D
But G God in his D mercy looked G kindly, He gave his wide G7 shoulders a C shrug
I’ll Am give human kind a small D piece of my mind
And so he created the G hug


Verse 5
A G letter can D bring conGsolation, a phone call can G7 brighten the C night
In the Am midst of great aggravDation, they can put at least some things to G right D
But G when your heart D feels like it's G breaking, your life slipping G7 down past the C plug
And you Am feel like a ghost, the thing you D want most
Is someone to give you a G hug

We G all need a D hug in the G morning and one at the G7 end of the C day
And as Am many as possible D squeezed in between to keep life's troubles at G bay D
No G matter, wherDever you G ramble, your problems be G7 great or be C small
It Am is my belief - for D instant relief - a hug is the best cure of G all

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 G7 3 C 2 Am