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Belter [G]Gerry Cinnamon

Verse 1
Am She is a belter - G Different from the rest
F Diamonds on her finger - And she Am always looks her best
G She  Gsus4 is    G a Am gangster - With a G hundred mile stare
When F she walks - Her Am feet don't touch the flair
G She Gsus4 is    G a Am belter G Gsus4 G Am

Verse 2
G She Gsus4 plays G wi'Am lightning - I'm a G hundred miles high Gsus4 G
F Dishing out the thunder - Like a Am God inside the sky
G She Gsus4 is    G a Am dancer - And she G dances in my dreams Gsus4 G
ReFminds me that the world - is not as Am evil as it seems
G SheGsus4 is    G a Am belter G Gsus4 G Am

No happy F endings - Unless C fairytales come true
But G she looks like a princess - Gsus4 And  G there's Am not much else to do
I think I F love her - She gets C underneath my skin
But G I've been stung a few times - Gsus4 So    G I Am don't let no one in
No even F belters C G Am
She is a F belteeCeeeeeeGeeeeeeAmer

Verse 3
How can she Am reach me - When I'm G high above the shelf
F Lost inside a smoke ring - While I Am ponder tae myself
G Is  Gsus4 she  G the Am answer - To the G question in my mind
Is F happiness an option – Or has Am love just turned me blind
G Is  Gsus4 she  G a Am belter G Gsus4 G Am

No happy F endings - Unless C fairytales come true
But G she looks like a princess - Gsus4 And  G there's Am not much else to do
I think I F love her - She gets C underneath my skin
But G I've been stung a few times - Gsus4 So    G I Am don't let no one in
No even F belters C G Am
She is a F belteeCeeeeeeGeeeeeeAmer

1 2 3 G 1 3 4 Gsus4 2 Am 1 2 F 3 C