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Crazy Little Thing Called Love [D]Queen


D Dsus4 D    | % | % | % |

This Dthing called love, I Gjust can't Chandle Git.
This Dthing called love, I Gmust get Cround to Git.
I ain't Dready.
BbCrazy little Cthing called Dlove.

This Dthing -this thing- called love -called love-
it Gcries -like a baby- in a Ccradle all Gnight.
It Dswings, it jives, it Gshakes all over like a
Cjelly Gfish.
I kinda Dlike it ... Bbcrazy little Cthing called Dlove.

There goes my Gbaby..she Cknows how to GRock n' Roll.
She drives me Bbcrazy..she gives me Ehot and cold Afever..
        F                            | N.C. | % | E | A
Then she leaves me in a cool, cool sweat.
        = LINK

I gotta be Dcool, relax, get Ghip, get Con my Gtracks.
Take a Dback seat, hitch-hike, and Gtake a long ride
on my Cmotor Gbike..
Until I'm Dready ... Bbcrazy little Cthing called Dlove.


Bb | % | D | % |
Bb | % | E A | F | N.C. | % | E | A

                = LINK

I gotta be Dcool, relax, get Ghip, get Con my Gtracks.
Take a Dback seat, hitch-hike, and Gtake a long ride
on my Cmotor Gbike..
Until I'm Dready ... Bbcrazy little Cthing called Dlove.

This Dthing called love, I Gjust can't Chandle Git.
This Dthing called love, I Gmust get Cround to Git.
I ain't Dready.
BbCrazy little Cthing called Dlove.

BbCrazy little Cthing called Dlove Yeah, yeah
repeat and fade

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 3 Bb 1 2 E 1 2 A