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Down At The Lah De Dah [D]Jimmy Buffett


DOn a patch of sand where the Gwarm wind blows
Not a ATV set, not a Dradio
DJust an old guitar when the Gsun sinks low
ADown at the Lah De DDah

DWhen the stars come out, it's the Gplace to be
If you're Aall alone, needing Dcompany
DIt's a lovers' bar where the Gfun is Emfree
ADown at the Lah De DDah

GDown at the Lah De Dah
GThere's a perfect margarAita in a Dmason jar
At the Gend of the world in a sea of dreams
Where the Emocean smiles Aand the Dseagulls scream
We all know Gjust how lucky we Aare
ADown at the DLah-Lah Lah Lah GLah Lah Lah-Lah
ALah-Lah Lah Lah DLah Lah Lah-Lah
DLah-Lah Lah Lah GLah Lah Lah-EmLah
ADown at the Lah De DDah

D G A D D G Em A D

DWhen you're back at work at your G9 to 5
And it's Apourin' rain on your Dmornin' drive
DYou'll remember when you were Glast Emalive
ADown at the Lah De DDah

GDown at the Lah De Dah
GThere's a perfect margarAita in a Dmason jar
At the Gend of the world in a sea of dreams
Where the Emocean smiles Aand the Dseagulls scream
We all know Gjust how lucky we Aare
ADown at the DLah-Lah Lah Lah GLah Lah Lah-Lah
ALah-Lah Lah Lah DLah Lah Lah-Lah
DLah-Lah Lah Lah GLah Lah Lah-EmLah
ADown at the Lah De DDah
DLah-Lah Lah Lah GLah Lah Lah-Lah
ALah-Lah Lah Lah DLah Lah Lah-Lah
DLah-Lah Lah Lah GLah Lah Lah-EmLah
ADown at the Lah De DDah

DWhere the band strikes up and the Gsun is down
The Apirate king buys anDother round
DAnd the rumors fly mermaids Gare in Emtown
ADown at the Lah De DDah

D G A D  D G Em A D

DDown at the Lah-Lah Lah Lah GLah Lah Lah-Lah
ALah-Lah Lah Lah DLah Lah Lah-Lah
DLah-Lah Lah Lah GLah Lah Lah-EmLah
ADown at the Lah De DDah

1 1 1 D 1 2 3 G 1 2 A 1 2 3 Em