Verse 1
Dm Hello darkness, my old Cfriend
I've come to talk with you Dmagain
Because a vision sofBbtly creeFping
Left its seeds while I Bbwas sleeFping
And the Bbvision that was planted in my Fbrain
Still reDmmains
FWithin the Csound* of Dmsilence
Verse 2
In restless dreams I walked alCone
Narrow streets of cobbleDmstone
'neath the halo of Bba street Flamp
I turned my collar to the Bbcold and Fdamp
When my Bbeyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon Flight
That split the Dmnight
FAnd touched the Csound* of Dmsilence
Verse 3
And in the naked light I Csaw
Ten thousand people, maybe Dmmore
People talking withBbout speakFing
People hearing withBbout listenFing
People writing Bbsongs that voices never Fshare
And no one Dmdare
FDisturb the Csound* of Dmsilence
Verse 4
"Fools", said I, "You do not Cknow
Silence like a cancer Dmgrows
Hear my words that I Bbmight teach Fyou
Take my arms that I Bbmight reach Fyou"
But my Bbwoooooords like silent raindropsF fellDm
And Fechoed in the Cwells* of Dmsilence
Verse 5
And the people bowed and Cprayed
To the neon god they Dmmade
And the sign flashed out Bbits warFning
In the words that it Bbwas forFming
And the sign said, "The Bbwords of the prophets
Are written on the subway Fwalls
And tenement Dmhalls"
And Fwhispered in the Csounds* of Dmsilence