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Red Dwarf Theme [C]Red Dwarf

Chord C


From Ukulele.net

Verse 1
CItEms cold outside
FThere's no kind of atmosphere
CI'Gmm all alone
DmMorAe or less
FLet me fly
D7Far away from here

CFuC7n fAun fun
DmIn FthGe sun sun sun

Verse 2
CI Gmwant to lie
FShipwrecked and comotoase
CDrGminking fresh
DmManAgo juice
FGoldfish shoals
D7Nibbling at my toes

CFuC7n fAun fun
DmIn FmtheG sun sun sun
CFuC7n fAun fun
DmIn FmtheG sun sun sun

3 C 1 2 3 Em 1 2 F 1 2 3 Gm 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 A 1 2 D7 1 C7 1 2 3 G 1 2 3 Fm