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Key Changer

Chord Finder

× × × × NC

Beeswing [C]Christy Moore

CI was eighteen when I came to town they called it the summer of love
Burnin'C babies burnin' flags the Ghawks against the Fdove
I took Ca job at the steaming way down on Caltrim Street
Fell in Clove with a laundry girl that was Gworkin' next to Fme
Brown Chair zig-zagged around her face and a look of half surprise
Like a Cfox caught in the headlights there was Ganimal in her Feyes
She Csaid to me can’t you see I’m not the factory kind
and if you Cdon’t take me out of here I’ll Glose my Fmind

She was a Amrare thing fine as a Cbee’s wing
So Amfine a breath of Gwind might blow her Faway
She was a Amlost child, she was Crunnin’ wild she said
So Amlong as theres no Gprice on love I’ll Fstay
You Dmwouldn’t want me Gany other Fway

Verse 2
We Cbusked around the market towns, fruit pickin down in Kent
We Ccould tinker pots and pans or Gknives wherever Fwe went
We were Ccampin down the Gower one time, the work was mighty good
She Cwouldn’t wait for the harvest, I Gthought we Fshould
I Csaid to her we’ll settle down, get a few acres dug
With a Cfire burning in the hearth and Gbabbies on the Frug
She Amsaid Oh man you foolish man that Gsurely sounds like Chell
You might be Flord of Chalf the world, you’llG not own me as Fwell

She was a Amrare thing fine as a Cbee’s wing
So Amfine a breath of Gwind might blow her Faway
She was a Amlost child, she was Crunnin’ wild she said
So Amlong as theres no Gprice on love I’ll Fstay
You Dmwouldn’t want me Gany other Fway

Verse 3
We were Cdrinking more in those days, our tempers reached a pitch
Like a Cfool I let her run away when she Gtook the rambling Fitch
And the Clast I heard she was living rough, back on the Derby beat
With a Cbottle of White Horse in her pocket, Ga Wolfhound at her Ffeet
And they Csay that she got married once to a man called Romany Brown
Even a Cgypsy caravan was too Gmuch like settlin’ Fdown
They Amsay her rose has faded, rough Gweather and hard Cbooze
Maybe Fthats the Cprice you pay for the Gchains that you Frefuse

She was a Amrare thing fine as a Cbee’s wing
and I Ammiss her more than Gever words can Fsay
If I could Amjust taste all her, Cwildness now
If I Amcould hold her Gin my arms Ftoday
I Dmwouldn’t want her Gany other Fway

oh I Dmwouldn’t want her Gany other Fway......

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 2 Am 1 2 3 Dm