Cheek to Cheek
Irving Berlin
[D6] Heaven, [Cdim] [Em7] [A7]
I'm in [D6] Heaven, [Cdim] [Em7]
[A7] And my [D6] heart beats [A7] so that [Bm7] I can [F#7] hardly [B7] speak;
[Edim] And I [Dmaj7] seem to [Bm] find
the [F#m] hap-pi[C#m7] ness I [F#7] seek [B7]
When we're [G] out together [Em7] dancing, [A7] cheek to [D] cheek.
[D6] Heaven, [Cdim] [Em7] [A7] I'm in [D6] Heaven, [Cdim] [Em7]
[A7] And the [D6] cares that [A7] hang a[Bm7]round me [F#7] thro' the [B7] week
[Edim] Seem to [Dmaj7] vanish [Bm] like a [F#m] gambler's [C#m7] lucky [F#7] streak
[B7] When we're [G] out together [Em7] dancing, [A7] cheek to [D] cheek.
[D7] Oh! I [G] love to [A7] climb a [Bm7] mountain,
[Bm7] and to [G] reach the [A7] highest [D] peak,
[D7] But it [G] doesn't [A7] thrill me [D] half as [A7] much as [G] dancing
[A7] cheek to [D] cheek.
[D7] Oh! I [G] love to [A7] go out [D] fishing [Bm7] in a [G] river [A7] or a [D] creek,
[D7] But I [G] don't en[A7]joy it [D] half as [B7] much as [G] dancing [A7] cheek to [D] cheek.
[Dm] Dance with me -- I want my [Bbm] arm about you;
[Fdim] The [A7] charm about [Edim] you will [Gdim] carry [Bm7] me [A7] through' to
[D6] Heaven, [Cdim] [Em7] [A7] I'm in [D6] Heaven, [Cdim] [Em7]
[A7] And my [D6] heart beats [A7] so that [Bm7] I can [F#7] hardly [B7] speak; [Edim]
And I [Dmaj7] seem to [Bm] find the [F#m] hap-pi[C#m7] ness I [F#7] seek
[B7] When we're [G] out together [Em7] dancing, [A7] cheek to [D] cheek.
Cheek to Cheek [D]Irving Berlin
D6 Heaven, CdimEm7A7 I'm in D6 Heaven, CdimEm7 A7 And my D6 heart beats A7 so that Bm7 I can F#7 hardly B7 speak; Edim And I Dmaj7 seem to Bm find the F#m hap-piC#m7 ness I F#7 seek B7 When we're G out together Em7 dancing, A7 cheek to D cheek.
D6 Heaven, CdimEm7A7 I'm in D6 Heaven, CdimEm7 A7 And the D6 cares that A7 hang aBm7round me F#7 thro' the B7 week Edim Seem to Dmaj7 vanish Bm like a F#m gambler's C#m7 lucky F#7 streak B7 When we're G out together Em7 dancing, A7 cheek to D cheek.
D7 Oh! I G love to A7 climb a Bm7 mountain, Bm7 and to G reach the A7 highest D peak, D7 But it G doesn't A7 thrill me D half as A7 much as G dancing A7 cheek to D cheek.
D7 Oh! I G love to A7 go out D fishing Bm7 in a G river A7 or a D creek, D7 But I G don't enA7joy it D half as B7 much as G dancing A7 cheek to D cheek.
Dm Dance with me -- I want my Bbm arm about you; Fdim The A7 charm about Edim you will Gdim carry Bm7 me A7 through' to
D6 Heaven, CdimEm7A7 I'm in D6 Heaven, CdimEm7 A7 And my D6 heart beats A7 so that Bm7 I can F#7 hardly B7 speak; Edim And I Dmaj7 seem to Bm find the F#m hap-piC#m7 ness I F#7 seek B7 When we're G out together Em7 dancing, A7 cheek to D cheek.