In Oran-C-more in the County Gal-Em-way,
One pleasant even-Am-ing in the Dm month of F May;
I spied a C damsel, she was young and Em handsome,
Her beauty Am fairly F took my G breath C away.
NC She wore no C jewels, no costly Em diamonds,
No paint no Am powder, no Dm none at F all;
She wore a C bonnet with ribbons on Em it,
And 'round her Am shoulder F was a G Galway C shawl.
We kept on C walking, she kept on Em talking
Till her father's Am cottage came Dm into F view
She said Come C in, sir, and meet my Em father,
And play to Am please him F The G Foggy C Dew.
She sat me C down beside the Em fire,
I could see her Am father, he was Dm six feet F tall;
And soon her C mother had the kettle Em singing,
All I could Am think of F was theG Galway C shawl.
NC She wore no C jewels, no costly Em diamonds,
No paint no Am powder, no Dm none at F all;
She wore a C bonnet with ribbons on Em it,
And 'round her Am shoulder F was a G Galway C shawl.
I played the C Blackbird and The Stack Of Em Barley,
Rodney's Am Glory, and the Dm Foggy F Dew;
She sang each C note like an Irish Em linnet,
And the tears they Am flowed F in her G eyes of C blue.
'Twas early C early, all in the Em morning
I hit the Am road for Dm old Done-F-gal
She said Good-C-bye, sir, she cried and kissed Em me,
And my heart re-Am-mained with F the G Galway C shawl.
NC She wore no C jewels, no costly Em diamonds,
No paint no Am powder, no Dm none at F all;
She wore a C bonnet with ribbons on Em it,
And 'round her Am shoulder F was a G Galway C shawl.