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Holiday [D]Boney M


D Digge ding ding ding, da ding ding ding, hi - dee - hi - dee A - hoh
A Digge ding ding ding, da ding ding ding, hi - dee - hi - dee D - hoh
D Digge ding ding ding, da ding ding ding, hi - dee - hi - dee A - hoh
A Digge ding ding ding, da ding ding ding, hi - dee - hi - dee D - hoh

Verse 1
There's a D place I know where we should go - hideehideeAhoh,
won' t you A take me there, your lady fair - hideehideeDhoh,
There's a D brook near-by the grass grows high - hideehideeAhoh,
We both A can hide, side by side - hideehideeDhoh,

HooDray! Hooray! It's a holi-holiAday,
what a A world of fun for everyone, holi-holiDday.
HooDray! Hooray! It's a holi-holiAday,
sing a A summer song, skip along, holi-holDiday,
it's a A holi-holiDday.

Verse 2
D There's a country fair, not far from there - hideehideeAhoh,
on a A carousel the dingdong bell - hideehideeDhoh,
On the D loop dee loop we swing and swoop - hideehideeAhoh,
and what A else we'll do is up to you - hideehideeDhoh,


D Well, I'm A game, fun is the thing I'm D after,
D now let's live it G up today, get A set for love and D laughter.
D Well, let's A go, time isn't here for D wasting,
D life is so full of G sweet, sweet things, I'd A like to do some D tasting .

HooDray! Hooray! It's a holi-holiAday,
what a A world of fun for everyone, holi-holiDday.
HooDray! Hooray! It's a holi-holiAday,
sing a A summer song, skip along, holi-holiDday,
it's a A holi-holiDday.
it's a A holi-holiDday.
it's a A holi-holiDday.

D* D*

1 1 1 D 1 2 A 1 2 3 G