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Walking on Sunshine [G]Katrina and the Waves


G  CMmDm CYeah

Verse 1

I usGed to think mCaybe you lDove me, now bCaby I'm suGreCDC
And GI just can't wCait till the dDay when you kCnock on my GdoCorDC
Now eGvery time I gCo for the mDailbox gotta hoCld myself doGwnCDC
Cuz GI just can't wCait till you wrDite me you're cComin' arGouCndDC


And I'm walking onD sunshine...C Whoah!
I'm walking on sunDshine... WhoCah!
I'm walking on sunDshine... WhoCah!

And don't it feel goGod! HEY! AClrDight nCow!
And don't it feel goGod! HEY! YCeaDh!C

Verse 2

I usGed to think mCaybe you loDve me, now I knoCw that it's truGeCDC
And I dGon't want to speCnd my whole liDfe, just a Cwaitin' for yoGuCDC
Now I dGon't want you baCck for the weDekend, not baCck for a daGy,C no Dno noC
I said baGby I juCst want you bacDk, and I waCnt you to staGy,C Oh yeDah now!C


G  HeCy! AlrighDt now, and it's tCime to feel goGod! CYeahD, oh yeah now
And it's tCime to feel good

G  C  D  CWalking on sunshiGne  C  D  CWalking on sunshiGne
  C  D  C I feel aliveG, I feel the loveC, I feel a love Dthat's really real!C
      I feel aliveG, I feel the loveC, I feel a love Dthat's really real!C

I'm on suGnshine baCby, oDh! oh yeCah
I'm on suGnshine baCby, oDh!C


G  HeCy!  AlrigDht now, and iCt's time to feel gGood!
G  I say it, I sCay it, I say it agDain now, and itC's time to feel gGood!
GOhC  yDeah now, and it's tCime to feel gGood!
Now tiGme,time,tiCme,time,tiDme and time to Cfeel good!G
G  I say it, I sCay it, I say it agDain now, and  tCime to feel gGood
Now tGime,time,tCime,time,tDime and tCime to feel gGood!
Now tGell me, tell me, tCell me again now aDnd time to feCel good!G
GOhC yDeah now, and time tCo feel gGood!
Now dGon't it feel gCood, don't it Dfeel good, now, tCime to feel gGood!
Oh yeGah, oh yCeah, oh yDeah, oCh yeah, yeah, yeah

1 2 3 G 3 C 1 1 1 D