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Wellerman/Drunken Sailor Medley [Am]

There Am once was a ship that put to sea
And the Dm name of the ship was the Am Billy of Tea
The Am winds blew up, her bow dipped down
Oh E7 blow, me bully boys, Am blow huh

F Soon may the C Wellerman come
To Dm bring us sugar and Am tea and rum
F One day, when the C tonguin' is done
We'll E7 take our leave and Am go

Am She'd not been two weeks from the shore
When Dm down on her a Am right whale bore
The Am captain called all hands and swore
He'd E7 take that whale in Am tow

F Soon may the C Wellerman come
To Dm bring us sugar and Am tea and rum
F One day, when the C tonguin' is done
We'll E7 take our leave and Am go


COUNT 1,2,3,4

Am What shall we do with the drunken sailor ?
G What shall we do with the drunken sailor ?
Am What shall we do with the drunken sailor ?
G Early in the Am morning

Am Sling him in the long boat 'til he's sober
G Sling him in the long boat 'til he's sober
Am Sling him in the long boat 'til he's sober
G Early in the Am morning

Am Way, hey and up she rises
G Way, hey and up she rises
Am Way, hey and up she rises
G Early in the Am morning

Am That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor
G That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor
Am That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor
G Early in the Am morning

Am Way, hey and up she rises
G Way, hey and up she rises
Am Way, hey and up she rises
G Early in the Am morning


Refrain - same melody as Wellerman Chorus
F Da-da da C da da-da
Dm Da-da da-da-da Am da da-da
F Da-da da C da da-da
E7 Da da da da Am da-da.

2 Am 1 2 3 Dm 1 2 3 E7 1 2 F 3 C 1 2 3 G