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Sound Of Silence * [Am]Simon & Gurfunkal

Am Hello darkness, my old Gfriend,
I've come to talk with you a-Am-gain,
Because a Cvision softly F is creep-C-ing,
Left its seeds while I wa-F-as  sleepC--ing,
And the F vision that was planted in my Cbrain
Still re-Am-mains within the Gsound of Am silence.

Verse 2
In restless dreams I walked a-G-lone
Narrow streets of cobble-Am-stone,
'neath the Chalo of Fa street Clamp,
I turned my collar to the Fcold and Cdamp
When my F eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon Clight
That split the Am night - and touched the G sound of Am silence.

Verse 3
And in the naked light I G saw
Ten thousand people, maybe Am more.
PeopleC talking with-F-out speak-C-ing,
People hearing with-F-out Clistening,
People writing Fsongs that voices never Cshare
And no one Amdare,- disturb the Gsound of Amsilence.

Verse 4

Fools said I, you do not G know
Silence like a cancer Am grows.
Hear myC words that I mi-F-ight  teach C you,
Take my arms that I mi-F-ight  reach  Cyou.
But my F words like silent raindrops C fell,--Am
And  echoed in the Gwells of  Am silence

Verse 5

And the people bowed and  Gprayed
To the neon God they Am made.
And the Csign flashed out Fit's  warn-C-ing,
In the words that it F was form-C-ing.
And the sign said, the F words of the prophets are written on the subway Cwalls
and tenement Am halls. And whisper'd in the Gsounds **- of Am silence.

2 Am 1 2 3 G 3 C 1 2 F