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Wee Willie -Maggie [C]

Wee C Willie lost his G marley,
Wee GWillie lost his C marley
Wee C Willie lost his F marley - WHERE?
G7 Down by the Ormeau C Road.

It C rolled right down the G gratin
It G rolled right down the C gratin
It C rolled right down the Fgratin
G7 Down by the Ormeau CRoad.

Wee C Willie got a G big stick
Wee G Willie got a C big stick
Wee C Willie got a F big stick
G7 Down by the Ormeau C Road.

He C shoved it down the G gratin
He G shoved it down the C gratin
He C shoved it down the F gratin
G7 Down by the Ormeau C Road.

But he C didn't find his G marley
He G didn't find his C marley
He C didn't find his F marley
G7 Down by the Ormeau C Road

So wee C Willie got a G digger
Wee G Willie got a C digger
Wee C Willie got a Fdigger
And G7 dug up the Ormeau C Road

Then wee C Willie found his G marley
Wee G Willie found his C marley
Wee C Willie found his F marley G7 - WHERE?
G7 Down by the Ormeau C Road

It was C in his bloody G pocket
It was G in his bloody C pocket
It was C in his bloody F pocket
G7 Down by the Ormeau C Road
G7 Down by the Ormeau C Road - Cha Cha cha

3 C 1 2 3 G 1 2 F 1 2 3 G7