Winter Wonderland [C]
Intro: 1,2,3...
Sleigh bells [G]ring... are you listenin'?
In the [D]lane... snow is glistening
A [D7]beautiful [Am]sight we're [D7]happy to[Am]night
[G]Walking in a [D7]winter wonder[G]land
Gone a[G]way is the blue bird....
Here to [D]stay is the new bird
He [D7] sings a love [Am] song as [D7] we go [Am] along,
[G]Walking in a [D7]winter wonder[G]land
[C]In the meadow [F]we will build a [C]snownan
[C]And pretend that [F]he is Parson [C]Brown
[D]He'll say, Are you [A]married? We'll say [D]No man
But [D]you can do the [A]job when you're in [D]town[D7]
Later [G]on we’ll conspire....
As we [D]dream by the fire
To [D7]face una[Am]fraid the [D7]plans that we [Am]made
[G]Walking in a [D7]winter wonder[G]land
[C]In the meadow [F]we will build a [C]snownan
[C]And pretend that [F]he's a circus [C]clown
[D]We'll have lots of fun [A] with mister [D]snowman
Until the other [A] kiddies knock him [D]down [D7]
Later [G]on we’ll conspire...
As we [D]dream by the fire
To [D7]face una[Am]fraid the [D7]plans that we [Am]made
[G]Walking in a [D7]winter wonder[G]land.
[G]Walking in a [D7]winter wonder[G]land
[G]Walking.. in.. a.. [D7]winter.. wonder[G]land... [D7*][G*]
Winter Wonderland [C]
Intro 1,2,3...
Sleigh bells Gring... are you listenin'? In the Dlane... snow is glistening A D7beautiful Amsight we're D7happy toAmnight GWalking in a D7winter wonderGland
Gone aGway is the blue bird.... Here to Dstay is the new bird He D7 sings a love Am song as D7 we go Am along, GWalking in a D7winter wonderGland
CIn the meadow Fwe will build a Csnownan CAnd pretend that Fhe is Parson CBrown DHe'll say, Are you Amarried? We'll say DNo man But Dyou can do the Ajob when you're in DtownD7
Later Gon we’ll conspire.... As we Ddream by the fire To D7face unaAmfraid the D7plans that we Ammade GWalking in a D7winter wonderGland
CIn the meadow Fwe will build a Csnownan CAnd pretend that Fhe's a circus Cclown DWe'll have lots of fun A with mister Dsnowman Until the other A kiddies knock him Ddown D7
Later Gon we’ll conspire... As we Ddream by the fire To D7face unaAmfraid the D7plans that we Ammade GWalking in a D7winter wonderGland. GWalking in a D7winter wonderGland