Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (Maggie)[C]
|[C] Grandma got run over by a reindeer
|Walking home from our house Christmas [F] Eve
|[F] You can say there's no such thing as [C] Santa
|But [G7] as for me and grandpa we be [C]lieve...
[Verse 1]
[C] She'd been [C] drinking too much [G]egg-nog
And we begged her not to [C] go
But she [C7] forgot her medi-[F] cation
And she [G7*] staggered out the door into the [C] snow
[NC] When we [C] found her Christmas [G] morning
At the scene of the a-[C] ttack
She had [C7] hoof-prints on her [F] forehead
and in [G7] criminating claw marks on her [C] back
[Verse 2]
[C] Now we're [C] all so proud of [G] grandpa
He's been taking this so [C] well
See him [C7] in there watching [F] telly
Playing [G7] cards and drinking Guinness I can [C] tell
[NC] It's not [C] Christmas without [G] grandma
All the family's dressed in [C] black
And we [C7] cannot help but [F] wonder
Should we [G7*] open up her [G7*] gifts or send them [C*] back [SEND THEM BACK!! Oh]
[Verse 3]
[C] Now the [C] turkey's on the [G] table
And the pudding it's so [C] big
And the [C7] blue and silver [F] candles
That would [G7] just have matched the hair in grandma’s [C] wig
[C] I've warned [C] all my friends and [G] neighbours
Better watch out for your [C] selves
They should [C7] never give a [F] licence
To a [G7*] man who drives a sleigh and lives with [C*] elves! [LIVES WITH ELVES! Oh]
[C] Grandma got run over by a reindeer
[C] Walking home from our house Christmas [F] Eve
[F] You can say there's no such thing as [C] Santa
But [G7*] as for me and grandpa we be-[C] lieve.
But [G7*] as for me and grandpa we be-[C] lieve [F*] [C*]
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (Maggie) [C]
CHORUS C Grandma got run over by a reindeer Walking home from our house Christmas F Eve F You can say there's no such thing as C Santa But G7 as for me and grandpa we be Clieve...
Verse 1 C She'd been C drinking too much Gegg-nog And we begged her not to C go But she C7 forgot her medi-F cation And she G7* staggered out the door into the C snow NC When we C found her Christmas G morning At the scene of the a-C ttack She had C7 hoof-prints on her F forehead and in G7 criminating claw marks on her C back
Verse 2 C Now we're C all so proud of G grandpa He's been taking this so C well See him C7 in there watching F telly Playing G7 cards and drinking Guinness I can C tell NC It's not C Christmas without G grandma All the family's dressed in C black And we C7 cannot help but F wonder Should we G7* open up her G7* gifts or send them C* back SEND THEM BACK!! Oh
Verse 3 C Now the C turkey's on the G table And the pudding it's so C big And the C7 blue and silver F candles That would G7 just have matched the hair in grandma’s C wig C I've warned C all my friends and G neighbours Better watch out for your C selves They should C7 never give a F licence To a G7* man who drives a sleigh and lives with C* elves! LIVES WITH ELVES! Oh
C Grandma got run over by a reindeer C Walking home from our house Christmas F Eve F You can say there's no such thing as C Santa But G7* as for me and grandpa we be-C lieve. But G7* as for me and grandpa we be-C lieve F*C*