Silent Night* [G]
Intro: [G] [D7] [G] (last line of 1st verse)
[G] Silent night, holy night!
[D] All is [D7] calm, [G] all is [G7] bright,
[C] Round yon virgin, [G] mother and [G7] child,
[C] Holy infant so [G] tender and mild,
[D] Sleep in [D7] heavenly [G] peace [Em]
[G] Sleep in [D7] heavenly [G] peace.
[G] Silent night, holy night!
[D] Shepherds [D7] quake [G] at the [G7] sight
[C] Glories stream from [G] heaven [G7] afar
[C] Heavenly hosts sing [G] alleluia
[D] Christ the [D7] saviour is [G] born [Em]
[G] Christ the [D7] saviour is [G] born.
[G] Silent night, holy night!
[D] Son of [D7] God, [G] love’s pure [G7] light
[C] Radiant beams from [G] thy holy [G7] face,
[C] With the dawn of [G] redeeming grace
[D] Jesus [D7] Lord at thy [G] birth [Em]
[G] Jesus [D7] Lord at thy [G] birth.
[G] Silent night, holy night!
[D] All is [D7] calm, [G] all is [G7] bright,
[C] Round yon virgin, [G] mother and [G7] child,
[C] Holy infant so [G] tender and mild,
[D] Sleep in [D7] heavenly [G] peace [Em]
Slower - single strums
[G*] Sleep in [D7*] heavenly [G*] peace!
Silent Night* [G]
IntroGD7Glast line of 1st verse
G Silent night, holy night! D All is D7 calm, G all is G7 bright, C Round yon virgin, G mother and G7 child, C Holy infant so G tender and mild, D Sleep in D7 heavenly G peace Em G Sleep in D7 heavenly G peace.
G Silent night, holy night! D Shepherds D7 quake G at the G7 sight C Glories stream from G heaven G7 afar C Heavenly hosts sing G alleluia D Christ the D7 saviour is G born Em G Christ the D7 saviour is G born.
G Silent night, holy night! D Son of D7 God, G love’s pure G7 light C Radiant beams from G thy holy G7 face, C With the dawn of G redeeming grace D Jesus D7 Lord at thy G birth Em G Jesus D7 Lord at thy G birth.
G Silent night, holy night! D All is D7 calm, G all is G7 bright, C Round yon virgin, G mother and G7 child, C Holy infant so G tender and mild, D Sleep in D7 heavenly G peace Em Slower - single strums G* Sleep in D7* heavenly G* peace!